Texas Real Estate Agent and Firm Lookup

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MLS Subscribers Associated with Firm Agents
License Name Company License Issued License Expires Status
acl Abigail Larios Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ALHANKS Al Hanks Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ALICES Alice Schrag Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ACREE Allen Acree Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
abui Angela Bui Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Anils Anilkumar Sihray Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BOONEA Ann Boone Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
AALCOZER Anthony Alcozer Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ARTDEL Arturo Delossantos Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BASART Aysegul Basar Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
TAYLORBA Barbara Taylor Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BJE Bernita Edwards Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BFLOR Betsabe Flores Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BETS Betsy Straub Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BUTCHERB Bettie Butcher Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CRAWFORB Betty Crawford Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
katy Billy Broyles Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BONNIE Bonnie Morley Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
cwadih Camille Wadih Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
COCO Catherine Ellmaker Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
REAL011 Cathy Conner Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
camacias Christian Macias Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
REAL1111 Cindy Garza Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
conniev Connie Villarreal Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
coyle Coyle Winborn Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
NOVUS Curtis Brown Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CLEWIS Cynthia Lewis Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
DLM Deanna McMillan Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
dfavor Debra Favor Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MOORED Dolly Moore Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
edwina Edwin Aragon Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JAMESE Eileen James Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
NOVOTA Ellen Novota Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ROSSELL Ellie Ross Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MASSEYE Elwyn Massey Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
EEscobar Esperanza Escobar Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
real111 Eva Chung Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
EVE Evia Shotwell-Kimble Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
farrah Fara Pooy Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
tfer Francisco Fernandez Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JACKKlug Frank Klug Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
fsalazar Freddy Salazar Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
rrajabi Gholam Rajabi Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
DIVINGL Gloria Divin Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
GRowland Gloria Rowland Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MAUSSG Gregory Mauss Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
gaw Gregory Williams Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
gfbrill Gwendolyn Casados Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
rucham Hamilton Rucker Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
TRACEY Harvey Johnson Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
mhector Hector Martinez Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
LUONG Jack Nguyen Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JGriff James Griffin Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JBooker Jameson Booker Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BWILLOW Janie Buie Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
REAL022 Jay Bukas Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
DICKSJ Jean Dickson Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
jyh Jeana Hur Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
SMITHJEF Jeff Smith Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
jsmccalla Jeffrey McCalla Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JSchwa Jesse Schwarz Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JHBrennan Jim Brennan Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
mccune Jim McCune Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JAMROZ John Jamroz Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
REAL013 Jose Uribe Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JSalas Juan Salas Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
jaju Julie Tran Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
KNIGHT Kathy Knight Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Cootspk Kelle Coots Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
NHuynh Kenny Huynh Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
LEGAL Kevin Terry Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
kimjt Kimberly Thompson Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
RACHIELE Larene Rachiele Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
palmore Leah Palmore Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CLARKL Lilian Clark Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BAGINSKL Loretta Baginski Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
FARRAR Loucheur Farrar Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
LuisaC Luisa Clements Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MBledsoe Marcus Bledsoe Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
REAL014 Maribel Molina Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
JONESMAR Marlin Jones Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CHARLESM Martin Charles Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MatHill Matthew Hill Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MSA Michael Arrambide Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
REAL012 Michael Boyd Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
KIBLER Michael Kibler Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CYPRUS Michelle Bateman Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
mlehlus Mona Ehlers Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MAbdali Musab Abdali Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
NAHID Nahid Amini Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
NELSONL Nelson Liao Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
NCCaver Nicole Caver Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
NORIS Noris Osorio Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
pmcate Pamela Cate Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
PAMOU Pamela Christian Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
STRIMPLE Pamela Strimple Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
pduron Patrice Duronslet Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
RINGP Patsy Ring Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JAEGERP Paul Jaeger Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
plandi Paul Landi Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
PVD Paula De La Bastide Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CARLSONP Penny Lee Carlson Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
PNEWSUM Phillip Newsum Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ROBERTP Robert Pritchett Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
SILVAR Robert Silva Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MOORERM Ronald Moore Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
RZERMENO Rosa Zermeno Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CAVAZOSR Rose Cavazos Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
RUJONES Ruby Jones Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
RMAYA Ruth Maya Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
SAHINESS Sally Saenz Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
skb Saundra Brooks Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
SChand Scott Chandler Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
LEZAH Sheryl Crawford Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
SIGI Sigifredo Gonzalez Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
STANLEYC Stanley Calhoun Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CENK Stephen Cenk Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BLUMESTE Steve Blume Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
stevendj Steven Nguyen Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
SUNRAE Sunshine Johnson Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
TAMRASA Tamra Ainsworth Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Thain Thai Nguyen Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
TLVILLA Theresa Vilarreal Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ThDanna Thomas Danna Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
thomasdc Thomas Schubert Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
KRANZT Todd Kranz Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
TU Tu Nguyen Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
OFFICEA Valerie Faigen Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
VELMA Velma Martinez Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
COLLINGV Venise Collingwood Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
WENDYHER Wendy Hernandez Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
WCOLE William Cole Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MAXWELLS William Maxwell Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
WINCHELW William Winchell Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
DOLPHINS Xuan Mai Chuong Home Team of America 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive

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