Texas Real Estate Agent and Firm Lookup
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MLS Subscribers Associated with Firm Agents
License | Name | Company | License Issued | License Expires | Status |
avasher | Aiko Asher | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
GraceDelia | Alma Lind | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
cold05 | Amanda Blanch | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
AmandaHl90 | Amanda Hall | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
mcmaster | Amparo McMaster | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD0512 | Amy Sanders | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
IONE | Ana Cristina Tolentino | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
AnastasiaL | Anastasia Sugandi | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
amasone | Andrea Howell | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
AAPerez | Angel A Perez | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
TAMBUREA | Anita Tamburello | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
anitamwade | Anita Wade | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BLANKENA | Ann Blankenship | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
cold056 | Ann Patton | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CAHM | Arthea McMorris | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
AFINGLEMAN | Ashley Fingleman | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
aartus | Aurore Muth | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
avinar | Avina Reis | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
BLONG | Barbara Long | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
VOITB | Barbara Voit | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
jsdgfju | Barry Hunter | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CLARKBEA | Bea Clark | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
WHISMANB | Betty Whisman | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
HOBBSB | Bettye Hobbs | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
bdowell | Beverly Dowell | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BevFT | Beverly Thompson | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
VERRET | Bonnie Verret | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BHamilton | Brandi Hamilton | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CarissaCOLD | Carissa Hopkins | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
FREESE | Carl Freese | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CPHIL | Carl Patton | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD0155 | Carlos Martinez | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD0511 | Carol De Foor | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CMAC | Carol McCune | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
caroleh | Carole Hoffpauir | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DEXTERC | Carolina Dexter | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CUHER | Catherine Uher | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CLeggett | Celia Leggett | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Canastacio | Cesar Anastacio | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
ChClark | Charles Clark | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SELLMANC | Charley Sellman | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CPICKENS | Chauncey Pickens | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
OSTINGC | Christa Osting | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
josey | Christina Stoner | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
cbanegas | Christine Banegas | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
clamert | Clara Lambert | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
habit | Clint Smith | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
cwong | Connie Wong | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
CMcLain | Constance McLain | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
clyle | Cory Lyle | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
FENELON | Dana Fenelon | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
danas | Dana Smidt | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
dhelms | David Helms | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
forrestd | Deborah Forrest | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
delahi | Delbar Elahi | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
deli | Delthea Stutzman | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Denisehtx | Denise Harris | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DQLyons | Denise Lyons | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD001 | Diana Perez | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD028 | Diana Perez | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DSD | Diane Dickinson | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DHH | Don Hicks | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SWARTZD | Donald Swartz | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
dborland | Donna Borland | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
DPIERCE | Donna Pierce | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
cold555 | Donna Salter | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
cold003 | Donna Salter | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD26 | Dora Thompson | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
dmiller53 | Dusty Miller | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
eb74 | Eleni Brooks | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
HEHIR | Elizabeth Hehir | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KELLEYE | Elizabeth Kelley | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
ETHOMSEN | Elizabeth Thomsen | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
pebner | Ernest Ebner | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
EZEBROWSKA | Ewelina Zebrowska | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
faithp | Faith Pope | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
FARIBAK | Fariba Radfar | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
frankokonk | Frank Okonkwo | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
uta | Gary Blake | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
GTHOMP | George Thompson | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
THOMGE | Ghislaine Thomsen | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Gissel | Gissel Avellaneda | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
gngowans | Gloria Gowans | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Gfultz | Grace Fultz | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
VANYUNDT | Gregg Van Yundt | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
MASUCCI | Hayes Masucci | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
jullian | Helena Coronado | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
THOMSENH | Henrik Thomsen | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
olustee | Henry Whitehead | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
susami | Huong Fraley | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LACERRA | Irene L Lacerra | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
PATSULL | J. Patrick Sullivan | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
jwoloson | Jacinda Woloson | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JHuckabee | Jacob Huckabee | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JackieBelt | Jacqueline Belt | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JAMALOSM | Jamal Osman | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
HOBBSJ | James Hobbs | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JRILEY | James Riley | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Cherber | James Tanner | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
wickjm | Jana Malkasian-Wick | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CALDJ | Jane Caldwell | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
PORTEMAR | Javier Marsico | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MEALEYJC | Jeanne Mealey | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Jeffreyhill | Jeffrey Hillenbrand | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
jcarnahan | Jennifer Carnahan | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JENHILL | Jennifer Hill | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
jporchey | Jennifer Porchey | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
jdhastng | Jerry Hastings | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
jrozen | Jerry Rozen | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JMARBAN | Jessica Marban | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
ALTMANJA | Jo Ann Altman | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
EARLJOAN | Joan Earl | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
HOLLAND | Joanne Holland | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Joehuynh | Joey Huynh | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CROWEJ | John Crowe | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
jjgaddy | John Gaddy | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SHEPARDJ | Johnnie Shepard | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CWCHANG | Johnny Chang | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
JBADGER | Joy Badger | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
COLD053 | Judy Savage | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
jgboyle | Justin Boyle | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KARENJOS | Karen Joseph | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
karenagz | Karena Gonzalez | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
KThompson | Katie Thompson | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
katinac | Katina Chimney | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
kayeann | Kaye McCollum | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KellymCOLD | Kelly Miller | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
kenneal | Kenneth Neal | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
jkentc | Kent Crawford | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Kevvscho | Kevin Schofield | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KiaraD | Kiara Donahue | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
cold052 | Kim Roy | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
kimtamle | Kim-Tam Le | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KLGLOVER | Kimberley Glover | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
kpiercehtx | Kimberly Pierce | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
CLOUSTON | Kristin Clouston | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
KBerg | Kristina Berg | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
kdragos | Krisztina Dragos | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
ked | Kyle Draggoo | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
LaClaudia | LaClaudia Hayes | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
NESMITHL | Lara Nesmith | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Lataurus | Lataurus Hall | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
latesia | Latesia Snoddy | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
COLD266 | Laura Foster | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
FAITHS | Laurice Hollingsworth | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD0505 | Leeza Rojas | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
lerone | Lerone Jordan | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
LKLONGLEY | Leslie Longley | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
COLD06 | Linda Johnson | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LKM | Linda Mikulenka | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LSTEW | Linda Stewart | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
HEM | Linus Heming | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD0005 | Lisa Canida | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
lcanida | Lisa Canida | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LolaS | Ljiljana Stanojcic | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
TURNERL | Lois Turner | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LOGLESBY | Lorene Oglesby | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LLBOIN | Lori Boin | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
LuisMoreno | Luis Moreno | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
LUADRIS | Luis Ortuno-Lopez | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
mrisoleo | Magali Risoleo | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
nietomarc | Marc Nieto | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
marcieehman | Marcie Ehmann | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
marconti | Marco Ontiveros | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
toyanico | Maria Blythe | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
mkjohn | Marlene Johnson | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
REED | Martha Shoemaker | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
marybezara | Mary Bezara | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
COLD261 | Mary LaCombe | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MaryTa | Mary Taube | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MVan | Mary Van Speybroeck | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MJMOSS | Mason Moss | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
MatthaisG | Matthais Garley | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MATTC | Matthew Cloninger | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MRAYMOND | Maureen Raymond | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MelbaHaynes | Melba Haynes | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
MichaelMSC | Michael Cianciola | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MGarret | Michael Garrett | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MTKLEIN | Michelle Klein | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLDMichelle | Michelle Molina | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
chelleo | Michelle Owen | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MicSmith | Michelle Smith | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
mikefree | Mike Free | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MODENA | Modena Frye-Patch | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
nloh | Nancy Loh | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
baa | Nancy Lytle | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
NBonilla | Naomy Bonilla | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
ncbaum | Nicole Baum | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Nikking | Nikki Nguyen | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
nomana | Nomana Siddiqui | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
NJMOORE | Norma Moore | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
oyb | Oksana Bogott | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
PJH | PJ Hillin | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
pberma | Pamela Berman | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
pamahayes | Pamela Hayes | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
PDOUGLAS | Patrick Douglas | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
gucwa | Paul Gucwa | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Moreno1 | Pedro Moreno | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Peggybarri | Peggy Barrios | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
PEGGY | Peggy Hicks | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
PAB | Philippe Bruchett | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
PSayarat | Phokham Sayarat | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
ptinner | Portia Tinnermon | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Rashidap | Rashida Palmer | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
REJOYCE | Rejoyce Wilson | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
richardv | Richard Vaughan | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
RBCHENO | Robert Chenoweth | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BOBCO | Robert Cook | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
robstupp | Robert Stupp | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
hpd | Robert Wilkinson | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
ROD | Rodney Kelley | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD051 | Ron Ille | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD557 | Ron Kikuchi | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BARNESR | Ruth Barnes | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
WEAVERRU | Ruth Weaver | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SASiddi | Saif Siddiqui | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
STATESON | Samantha Stateson | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SANDIYA | Sandiya Venturato | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
DREILING | Sandra Dreiling | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
srhgraya | Sarah Gray | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SHerbek | Sarah Herbek | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
SFLYNN | Sean Flynn | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
smkelley | Sean Kelley | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
cold050 | Sharon Fairley | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
shealynn | Shealynn Schank | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
sheilak | Sheila Kleinenberg | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SHIANWM969 | Shian Munro | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Jacksonwsc | Shichao Wang | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SDERR | Shoeleh Derrington | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SHONRR | Shontell Robertson | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
srreid | Sonia Reid | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD552 | Stephanie Marcoux | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SCHOGGIN | Stephanie Schoggin | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
SThomsen | Stephanie Thomsen | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
TOWERS | Stephen Tower | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
SUEC | Sue Crawford | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Sugrashaik | Sugra Shaik | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
SUNGHEE | Sunghee Honermeier | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD0266 | Susan Jones | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
SUSANR | Susan Roach | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
susandt | Susan Thomas | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
SSTRUTZ | Susan Weingarten-Strutz | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
TaraKim | Tara Kim | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
fury | Thaddeus Faleski | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DEMPSEY | Theresa Dempsey | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
travisc | Travis Campbell | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
WISE | Traye Wise | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
COLD0510 | Tresa Kneisel | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
cold0555 | Tresa Kneisel | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CROATONE | Trey Nesmith | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
COLD07 | Vanessa Alcocer | Coldwell Banker Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
vking | Vanessa King | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
truimage | Veronica Vatterott | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
VivianOwo | Vivian Owo | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
XBerge | Xavier Berge | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Yomaira | Yomaira Chavez | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
estheryj | Yun Lim | Coldwell Banker Realty - Memor | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
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