Texas Real Estate Agent and Firm Lookup

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MLS Subscribers Associated with Firm Agents
License Name Company License Issued License Expires Status
aaryap Aarya Patel Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
amora Adrianne Osorio Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Ghesani Aftab Ghesani Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
alexru Alex Russell Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
ANACRANE Ana Crane Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
amason Andrea Mason Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
asuson Anita Suson Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
ARIYANASIR Ariyan Nasiri Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
LunaA Ashley Luna Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Bailiy Bailiy Smith Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
baonly Bao Ly Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
bkane Bernard Kane Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BMONTY Blake Montgomery Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
bwolfo Brent Wolford Camelot Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BrittPM88 Brittany Pecina Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
cmholler Catherine Hollerbach Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BCHASEM Chase Manor Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
CJDougherty Christopher Dougherty Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
CEHarper Colby Harper Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
colinjames Colin Mclelland Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
COBrien Conni OBrien Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
danielhtx Daniel Guevara Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
DDANCEL David Dancel Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
RAINEY David Rainey Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
dkhoury Diana Khoury Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
stromd Donna Strom Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
elliemel Elizabeth Melgoza Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
EFranco Elva Franco Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
ekhoury Erika Khoury Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
enrandle Eureka Randle Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
cine Francine O'Connell Camelot Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
DLIGHT Gwendolyn McEver Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
hcervone Hannah Cervone Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
HDLewis Harrison Lewis Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
hfaucett Hayden Faucett Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
HANHAR Heather Niemeyer Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
JCHOUSTON JC Hickman Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
JaGray James Gray Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Jerilyn Jerilyn Kazyak Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
jsilver Jill Silver Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
putter Jim Tanner Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JOHNDENT John Campbell Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Johnbc John Cragar Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
jpasture John Goodpasture Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BUCK661 John Manion Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JORTS Jordan Hall Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
jorger Jorge Ruiz Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JCTwine Joshua Twine Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
JosueZ Josue Zuniga Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
DAHNA Joyce Thompson Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
JMCMULLEN Julie McMullen Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
JustinW Justin Webb Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
KAITLINS Kaitlin Saragusa Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
KLLee Kalisha Lee Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
buck010 Karen Kraft Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
karlam Karla Murcia Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
kathyst Katherine Feliciano Stewart Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Katiestewr Kathryn Robinson Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
KeHouston Kayley Hickman Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
KENMM Ken Manfredi Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Kperschk Kent Perschke Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
kimtnguyen Kim Nguyen Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
kimmyjean Kimberly Culley Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
RealKO Kristin Olson Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
KrystleM Krystle McCullough Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
LMATIN Larissa Fason Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
LEAHTRAN Leah Tran Camelot Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Maturin Leslie Maturin Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Linoygrd Linoy Gordon Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
mavila Maria Avila Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
ayoroaal Maria Ayoroa Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
mkwooten Mark Wooten Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Mcanderson Mary Anderson Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
mcfranco Mary Franco Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MEL Melanie Cervone Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
MMW Melinda Wakeland Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
fernmj Michael Fernbach Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MIKECM Michael Majors Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
illtex Michael Strom Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
MindyLN Mindy Newton Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
slysmith Monica Smith Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Morganduran Morgan Duran Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
NRChambers Natalie Chambers Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Necron Nessie Ronquillo Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
panzarel Nick Panzarella Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
PaigeMcC Paige McCormick Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
Pascale Pascale Smith Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
paulinebui Pauline Bui Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
PzNguyen Peter Nguyen Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
rsolbach Rachel Solbach-Witt Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
rhensler Raya Hensler Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
buck013 Rebekah Little Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
Buck0112 Rebekah Little Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
juman Reshma Sankar-Juman Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
ritamc Rita Cardenas Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
RAHarris Ryan Harris Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
scrawfd Sarah Crawford Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
sarahshu Sarah Shulark Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
sborny Sean Bornmueller Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
SMONA Sharon Monaghan Camelot Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
BuckstaffSh Sherwood Buckstaff Camelot Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
siju Siju Odeneye Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
soles Soledad Escobar-Chaves Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
STEVEH Steven Hartstein Camelot Realty 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
CTHMEIN Tammy Meinhardt Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
TAU Taryn Ashley Diaz Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
TCC Thomas Cervone Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
tomflynn Thomas Flynn Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Inactive
THUNGUYEN Thu-Anh Nguyen Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
tyfry Tyler Fry Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active
VNguyen1 Vivienne Nguyen Camelot Realty Group 01-01-1900 01-01-1900 Active

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Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be verified. Realty Texas provides content “AS IS,” without any warranty, express or implied.

This data is sourced from public records and government databases. If you are a real estate agent with publicly available information and wish to submit a data update request, please send an email to data@realty.inc. Include a link to the verified data or attach the relevant documents.

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