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Innovative Realty Group LLC


Office Name: Innovative Realty Group LLC
Office Type: LLC Broker
License: 9001584
Office Status: Active
Office Phone:
Office Email:
Broker Name: Randy William Ebright
License Issued: 08-06-2012
License Expires: 08-31-2026

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Agents Sponsored by Innovative Realty Group LLC
License Name Company License Issued License Expires Status
650805 Bryan Todd Moree Innovative Realty Group Llc 01-21-2015 01-31-2025 Active
697908 Caroline Claire Chatham Innovative Realty Group Llc 11-22-2017 11-30-2025 Active
672838 Chad D Hensley Innovative Realty Group Llc 05-20-2016 05-31-2026 Active
650785 Christine Mckeever Moree Innovative Realty Group Llc 01-21-2015 01-31-2025 Active
745325 Courtney Herzog Innovative Realty Group Llc 10-01-2020 10-31-2024 Expired
812117 Damien Bryan Dove Innovative Realty Group Llc 09-14-2023 09-30-2025 Inactive
655215 Emily Christine Johnson Innovative Realty Group Llc 05-05-2015 05-31-2025 Active
689072 Eric Guzman Innovative Realty Group Llc 05-24-2017 05-31-2025 Active
685466 Erik Allen Kennedy Innovative Realty Group Llc 03-10-2017 03-31-2025 Active
712408 Golden Curtis Leblanc Innovative Realty Group Llc 10-13-2018 10-31-2024 Expired
819992 Jacob King Innovative Realty Group Llc 02-28-2024 02-28-2026 Active
725361 Jason Keith Eddington Innovative Realty Group Llc 07-26-2019 07-31-2025 Active
710561 Jayson Charles Owen Innovative Realty Group Llc 09-01-2018 09-30-2024 Expired
774243 Jennifer Anderson Innovative Realty Group Llc 11-26-2021 11-30-2025 Active
824619 Jordan David Deskeere 06-06-2024 06-30-2026 Active
758403 Joshua Blair Beard Innovative Realty Group Llc 04-09-2021 04-30-2025 Active
610917 Julia Suzanne Jacquart No firm found with the provide 01-24-2011 01-31-2026 Inactive
663933 Justin Lawrence Innovative Realty Group Llc 11-19-2015 11-30-2025 Active
578182 Karen Dacosta Innovative Realty Group Llc 09-17-2007 09-30-2025 Inactive
776834 Kaycee Renee Kendrick Innovative Realty Group Llc 01-15-2022 01-31-2026 Active
661804 Kellie Alexander Innovative Realty Group Llc 10-02-2015 10-31-2025 Inactive
497847 Kimberly Jeri Bradford Innovative Realty Group Llc 06-26-2002 06-30-2026 Inactive
619380 Kristen L Tinsley Stout Innovative Realty Group Llc 04-12-2012 04-30-2025 Active
669302 Laura Teague Innovative Realty Group Llc 03-11-2016 03-31-2026 Active
786729 Mary Pamela Winn Innovative Realty Group Llc 06-09-2022 06-30-2026 Inactive
696849 Matthew R Grimley Innovative Realty Group Llc 11-01-2017 11-30-2025 Active
733336 Matthew Robert Lobban Innovative Realty Group Llc 01-23-2020 01-31-2026 Active
667105 Matthew Shane Kimbrow Innovative Realty Group Llc 01-20-2016 01-31-2026 Active
783435 Melissa Challis Innovative Realty Group Llc 04-22-2022 04-30-2026 Active
707386 Michael Lynn Rodriquez Innovative Realty Group Llc 07-03-2018 07-31-2026 Active
646249 Monica Tomblin Innovative Realty Group Llc 09-23-2014 09-30-2024 Active
689052 Narine Kazarova Innovative Realty Group Llc 05-23-2017 05-31-2025 Active
644215 Nicholas Boroski No firm found with the provide 07-29-2014 07-31-2024 Expired
710894 Rebecca Beam Innovative Realty Group Llc 09-11-2018 09-30-2026 Active
531998 Sara Elizabeth Armstrong Innovative Realty Group Llc 10-10-2015 10-31-2025 Active
736736 Sean Paul Germino Innovative Realty Group Llc 05-12-2020 05-31-2026 Active
642221 Simon Frederick Katz Innovative Realty Group Llc 06-10-2014 06-30-2026 Active
690108 Steven Mears Innovative Realty Group Llc 06-15-2017 06-30-2025 Active
781530 Susan Lynn Erwin Innovative Realty Group Llc 03-28-2022 03-31-2026 Inactive
684543 Sylvia R Huffer Innovative Realty Group Llc 02-14-2017 02-28-2025 Active
747769 Wendy Brice Innovative Realty Group Llc 11-06-2020 11-30-2026 Active

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Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be verified. Realty Texas provides content “AS IS,” without any warranty, express or implied.

This data is sourced from public records and government databases. If you are a real estate agent with publicly available information and wish to submit a data update request, please send an email to data@realty.inc. Include a link to the verified data or attach the relevant documents.

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