Texas Real Estate Agent and Firm Lookup
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MLS Subscribers Associated with Firm Agents
License | Name | Company | License Issued | License Expires | Status |
508504126 | Angela Villarreal | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0552618 | Anthony Cantu | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0519087 | Art Lopez | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
215276126 | Bob Suggs | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0440612 | Charles Postel | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
435251126 | Charlotte Beagley | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
504668126 | Christine Puckett | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0513469 | Cindy Salsberry | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
492155126 | Cristina Salinas | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
359579126 | David L. Wallace | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
481486126 | Deborah Keeble | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
496009126 | Dixie Hodson | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0526312 | Elia Stevens | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0545966 | Gary Goodwin | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
508026126 | George Bernal | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0515225 | Henry Chinnery | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
503448126 | James Becker | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0525390 | Janis Morrow | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0521756 | Jennifer Fraley | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
345681126 | Joe Marruffo | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0570492 | John Ramirez | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0565088 | Joselyn Torres | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0534534 | Joshua Farmer | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
340759126 | Joyce Little | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
192124126 | Karen Edwards | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
413348126 | Karen L. Wallace | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
443561126 | Larry Osswald | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
445575126 | Laurence Alexander | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0392494 | Mark Golding | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0535631 | Monica Chapman | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
499298126 | Paul Fraley | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0451289 | Richard Buck | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
282163126 | Robert Lumley | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
500437126 | Rosavela Zuniga | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
493162126 | Shannon Noe | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
509417126 | Shawna Guillen | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
509899126 | Spring Hernandez | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
457438126 | Tom Alexander | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
227578126 | Toni Tamez | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
485896126 | Travis Morgan | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
474683126 | Weldon Hillis | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
0518800 | Yvonne Coovert | Windward Properties | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
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Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be verified. Realty Texas provides content “AS IS,” without any warranty, express or implied.
This data is sourced from public records and government databases. If you are a real estate agent with publicly available information and wish to submit a data update request, please send an email to data@realty.inc. Include a link to the verified data or attach the relevant documents.