Texas Real Estate Agent and Firm Lookup
Find Real Estate Sales Agents and Brokers in Texas.Firm Agents
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MLS Subscribers Associated with Firm Agents
License | Name | Company | License Issued | License Expires | Status |
767775 | Alison Kennett | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
549765 | Allyson Pall | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
596088 | Barbara Williams | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
586988 | Caleb Shaw | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
V830444 | Carrie Armstrong | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
608880 | Carrie Combs | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
672988 | Corri Urban | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
479579 | Dawn Marti | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
vic075 | Diane McCord | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
V783926 | Jenny Shimek | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
707023 | JoAnn Cantu Luna | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
769085 | John Gobar | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
553886 | Joyce Sainz Mitchum | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
681267 | Kari Weiser | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
639802 | Kathryn Ryan | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
785852 | Kendall Kabela | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
685073 | Kristie Threadgill | No Firm Reported | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
469200 | Linda Dlugosch | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
784241 | Mari Garcia | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
710440 | Meagan Teal Cunningham | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
559676 | Omar Enrique Amaral | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
652098 | Stanley Lester | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
753251 | Summer Dulock | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
663866 | Tabitha McIntyre | No Firm Reported | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
594437 | Tanya A Cox | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
vic066 | Tina Page | No Firm Reported | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
733810 | Trevor Bodden | Shaw Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Powered By Realty Texas
Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be verified. Realty Texas provides content “AS IS,” without any warranty, express or implied.
This data is sourced from public records and government databases. If you are a real estate agent with publicly available information and wish to submit a data update request, please send an email to data@realty.inc. Include a link to the verified data or attach the relevant documents.