Texas Real Estate Agent and Firm Lookup
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MLS Subscribers Associated with Firm Agents
License | Name | Company | License Issued | License Expires | Status |
AbigailP1 | Abigail Perez | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Lima | Alfonso Lima | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Drambaran | Allan Rambaran | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
DAVISA | Angelica Davis | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
bennyb | Benny Benavides | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
berenice | Berenice Hernandez | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BMarroquin | Bianca Marroquin | Re/max 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BLIMMERS | Billye Smith | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
blancap | Blanca Pineda | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
bboutte | Brandon Boutte | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
BByers | Brian Byers | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
BWEND | Brittney Wendeburg | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
BNHILL | Brookelyn Hill | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
WBMyers | Brooks Myers | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
CponceZ | Carlos Ponce-Zuniga | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
IHUNT | Christina Hunt | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
flemingd | D'Ann Fleming | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
DRamos | Demetrius Galeana-Ramos | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
dmgober | Dodie Gober | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
EDNAP | Edna Pena | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
elishamb | Elisha Bergara | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
ERangel | Elizabeth Valdez | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
EugenioG | Eugenio Guajardo | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
IsabelCard | Isabel Cardenas | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JFlore | Jason Flores | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JennRam | Jennifer Ramirez | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
jillkm | Jill Taylor | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
TxStyle | Jocelyn Bradshaw | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JAB | Joel Arredondo | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
LejeuneJ | Jonathan LeJeune | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JACruz | Jose Cruz | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
gjavi416 | Jose Gutierrez | Re/max 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
TNovoa | Jose Novoa Fernandez | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JBAdkins | Joshua Adkins | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
JUDYG | Judith Guillen | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
jmorma | Juli Morman | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
KBarbour | Kay Barbour | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
klord | Kelly Lord | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
KDILLARD | Keri Dillard | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
KSTEPH | Kimberly Stephens | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
TLLAMBERT | Larry Lambert | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Lauree | Lauree Cunningham | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
LINDAB | Linda Brownfiel | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Linseym | Linsey Mitchell | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
LoriStout | Lori Stout | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MannyReyes | Manuel Reyes | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MATorres | Manuel Torres | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
Cruzmari | Maria Cruz Rodriguez | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
MIOrozco | Maria Orozco | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
MariahEstra | Mariah Estrada | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
mlord | Mark Lord | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Mayrarobles | Mayra Robles | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
melindaf | Melinda Freisleben | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Nadia1 | Nadia Palacios | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
BARR | Nancy Barr | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
oscanu | Omar Scanu | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
PPotter | Paige Potter | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
psherlin | Peyton Sherlin | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
RELLASTATE | Rella Sanders | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
RickSaucedo | Ricardo Saucedo | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
RIGO | Rigoberto Flores | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
RITAP | Rita Patterson | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
RYOUNG | Robbie Young | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
rociog | Rocio Guajardo | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
RmGutierrez | Rocio Gutierrez | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
SARANGEL | Santa Creado | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
CHAGO | Santiago Lopez | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
FSRM011 | Sharon Davis | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
sdoolittle | Shawn Doolittle | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
camposstep | Stephanie Campos | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
sazamora | Stephanie Zamora | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
RIVERASY | Sylvia Rivera | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
styler | Sylvia Tyler | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
Tfleming | Tayler Alaniz | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
MATAROCKS | Terrance Anderson | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
wivaldez | William Valdez | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
YeseniaLiz | Yesenia Lizama | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Inactive |
YDuran | Yolanda Duran | RE/MAX 5 Star Realty | 01-01-1900 | 01-01-1900 | Active |
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Information deemed reliable but not guaranteed and should be verified. Realty Texas provides content “AS IS,” without any warranty, express or implied.
This data is sourced from public records and government databases. If you are a real estate agent with publicly available information and wish to submit a data update request, please send an email to data@realty.inc. Include a link to the verified data or attach the relevant documents.